Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Chocolate Mirror Glazed Cake

This week, I made a cake for a surprise 50th birthday party. This was an interesting baking project because it was more restricted than usual in terms of allergens and allowed foods than usual (I have baked for this person before, but this time they had one or two additional concerns to work around). I… Read More Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Chocolate Mirror Glazed Cake

Gluten-free Chocolate Cake (and some dairy-free baking mistakes!)

Allergy friendly baking is always a learning process. I’ve been lucky to have mostly good experiences and good results in the kitchen, but last night I almost had a catastrophe (or cake-tastrophy, as I’m calling it). I was trying to make a chocolate cake that was dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and with coconut sugar to boot… Read More Gluten-free Chocolate Cake (and some dairy-free baking mistakes!)